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Showing posts with the label Landing Page Creation Tips

7 Landing Page Flaws That’ll Kill Your Conversions | Landing Page Creation Tips

7 Landing Page Flaws That’ll Kill Your Conversions | Landing Page Creation Tips Have you ever built an amazing landing page,drove targeted traffic to it,and then found that everything youre doing,youre just not getting any conversion?It sucks. You've put in all this time. You've put in all these resources.You just cant get sales for the life of Im going to share seven landing page flaws that'll kill your conversions.So lets dive right into to the flaws. The first flaw is load time,and you've probably heard this before.Speed matters.But let me actually back it up with a stat.So we have this business called Crazy Egg,it provides heat map analytics,and it allows things like A/B testing,and user recordings and all this kind of stuff for you to help understand how people interact and engage with your site.Did you know that when we were optimizing our site,and trying to improve our load times,we found that every second we improved in load time,our conv...