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Showing posts with the label Facebook Ads Do Not Work

Facebook Ads Don’t Work | How to Make Them Profitable

Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work (and How to Make Them Profitable) You have amazing product.You have amazing service.You go out there, you run some ads on Facebook because thats what everyone is doing,but you find yourself just spending all this money.No one cares about your ads. Theyre not clicking on it.And if you do get some clicks,none of them convert into customers.Why could this be?Hey, everyone. today Im going to share with you why your Facebook ads dont work and how you can make them profitable.Question: How much do you spend per month on Facebook ?Let me know. Thats part of the reason why your ads may not be working.So, heres the thing. Theres a few things that you need to do to ensure that your Facebook ads are going to work and theyre going to be profitable.Number one.Make sure youre not just sending traffic to cold audiences.See, a lot of people want to go out there and just be like,Let me go find random people based on some interest sand target them and get them...