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Facebook Ads in 2019 : From Facebook Ads Beginner to EXPERT

Facebook Ads in 2019 : From Facebook Ads Beginner to EXPERT in Jaipur

Hey guys, today we’ll be talking about Facebook Ads.So personally for me, I love running ads.I love optimizing my ads, it helps me reach a bigger audience- more people.So we will be talking about all of this in today’s post, so read until the end.Hey guys, today’s topic is one of my favorites, it’s Facebook Ads.Majority of the marketers love Facebook Ads as a marketing channel, just because of how amazing it is.In today’s post, I will tell you exactly how you can set up your first ad on Facebook and make it live.I will also be going through all the strategies, all the tips and tricks that I personally use to run my Facebook Ads.And which you can implement on your Facebook Ads strategy as well.Now to be honest, if I cover Facebook Ads as a whole, it will take at least 10 – 15hours, because it’s such a comprehensive subject.But in this article, we’ll keep it short, we’ll keep it brief but while covering the most important points.So make sure you’ll read this article until the end because you’ll be learning amazing amount of knowledge in this particular post.So the first question comes, why should you even consider FB Ads, right? Well Facebook has over 1.8 billion users as of the last count.And not even this, the most important factor is that people spend a lot of time on Facebook.The average amount of time that they spend on Facebook every day is 17 minutes.And as a marketer, what you’ll love is, that Facebook knows everything about you,it targets specific audience.They know what you like.They know what kind of people you follow, they know what kind of food you like, theyknow the placed that you have visited.They know your age, they know your gender, they know your email ID, they know your preferences.They have their own AI working for them, so they have a lot of data for all people thatare on Facebook.And as a marketer, you’re only job is to show your offer to the relevant audience.Like for me, For me, my relevant audience is people who are searching or thinking of becoming a digital marketer.So later in the post I will tell you how I am targeting all these people.You will be amazed by the power of Facebook, the amount of targeting it offers, the amount of options it offers.And I think one of the best parts is that Facebook is one of the most cost-effective advertising platform.In my experience I’ve seen that the customer acquisition cost from Facebook is much lowercompared to other channels.But that can be domain specific as well.But on general trend, Facebook is much cheaper, but then again the Facebook Ads is also increasingby the years.As the environment becomes more competitive.But even in 2019, even in coming years 2020, I still think that Facebook will still havea lot of power in terms of advertising revenue.And also the acquisition of Facebook of Instagram, also adds to the power capability in termsor marketing channel in Facebook on “manage ads”.This will drive you to this Facebook Ads page, where you can start with your Facebook campaign.But I use business manager, so to access this you go to: “”.So this is a business manager.So why do I use a business manager compared to an Ads account, directly from the profile?The reason being I also have multiple clients, for them I also run Facebook Ads.So with business manager you can run Facebook Ads for multiple clients, from the same platform.Unlike going to the ads account of each page, again get access to all these pages, all theseFacebook Ad accounts in one single account and then run ads for them.This business manager account.So this is why you don’t find any clients here.So to run any Facebook Ads, you need to first connect a Facebook page to your ad account.

Facebook Ads in 2020

So the first thing you need to understand before running the Facebook Ads, is that you have to understand the structure of a Facebook Ad.So this really good image related to a structure of a Facebook Ad.So at the top level, there’s campaign.Then there are “ad sets”, then there are “ads”.It’s important that you understand the difference between all the three.Because this will help you in creating good ads.So the first thing is the campaign, campaign is the objective of your Ad. my objective is to drive traffic to this landing page, and get the email IDs of therelevant audience.Similarly if you are an ecommerce store like Flipkart, Snapdeal or Amazon.Then your objective will be to drive people from social media to your website so thatthey can purchase.But let’s say you’re running a blog and you want more traffic for your blog, so yourobjective will be to drive traffic to your blog.So we’ll be going through all the different kind of objectives on the Facebook dashboard.But for understanding purpose, I hope you understood the basic idea behind the campaign.Campaign is more like the goal of your ad campaign.Then comes the ad set.Ad set level, you decide what kind of targeting you want.Like for me, my campaign objective was to drive traffic to my landing page so that Ican get more email IDs, so my ad set would be all the different targeting I am doing.Let’s say I am targeting the college students, then one of my ad sets will be “collegestudents”.I might also be targeting working professionals, like people who are currently doing a joband are at the age of let’s say 23 – 25, then that can also be a different ad set.So the ad set level, you set the budget, like how much money you are willing to spend ona daily basis, and also the audience segment.To which audience should your ad be displayed to.I hope this was clear.Then comes the ads.So for each ad sets, you’ll be creating multiple ads.Like for me, if I’m creating an ad set, let’s say for college students who are doingengineering and are at the age bracket of 18 – 22, so that’s my ad set.Then I might be running few different ads, like “join my free course”.I might be running image, I might be running video ads.So we’ll be going through all of these on the Facebook dashboard.But just for the understanding purpose, campaign is the objective of your whole ad strategy.Second comes the ad sets, where you are setting the targeting of your ad.Like which people should your ad be shown to.Then comes the ads, the actual ads that will be shown to these people.So here you can see that I’ve only created few campaigns here.So you also should know the naming convention of campaign because it will be much more easierfor you later, when you’re running multiple campaigns.To actually differentiate between them all and to understand the statistics in a mucheasier way.So here I have FDMC, FDMC stands for “free digital marketing course”.So I have segmented it, the first word is FDMC then “conversion” meaning this campaignhas the objective as conversion.Because I want more emails on my landing page, that is a conversion objective.Similarly, I’ve also named a campaign FDMC “traffic to article” so I’ve writtenthis article on why people should learn digital marketing, so here the objective is traffic.Similarly I’ve also created a “post engagement”, here the objective is to get more likes, morecomments, etc.So to create a new campaign all you have to do is create- click here “create”.Enter your campaign name.Let’s keep he campaign name as “test FDMC”.Buying time, I’ll just leave it like that.Now the campaign objective, this is extremely important.So Facebook offers you a lot of options, like this brand awareness, there’s reach, there’sapp install…I can go through all of them, but then again it will take multiple hours.But the popular ones will be the traffic, the video views, the lead generation, pagelikes, etc.So I’ll just give an overview of few of them.So whenever you are doing digital marketing, there will be a concept called “funnels”.So whenever you want new customers for your business, so it goes through different cycles.First is the “awareness”, then comes the “consideration” and then comes the “conversion”.So first you have to make people aware that your product or services exist.Then you’ll have to drive them to some valuable content, or get their email ID, or show themsome video or let them install some app.The second step is the consideration where you make the people interact with your brand.It may be driving traffic to your article, it may be making them watch a video, makingthem like your page or messaging them, talking to them, stuff like that.Then comes the final objective of conversion.Conversion is when you are actually making people buy your product or service, or itcould be another conversion goal.So when we talk about brand awareness, when we talk about brand awareness, generally thestartup of the companies that are starting up.Honestly this is not that very effective.Because the budget requirement is high, so personally I only use the traffic and theconversion campaign here.But since I’m starting out, I’ll also use the post engagement.I might also use “page like” to increase the basic like of my page to at least 1,000or 10,000 to get social credibility.Secondly I could also write a great article on my website on why people should learn digitalmarketing and drive them from Facebook to my article.I can also create a video and upload it to YouTube and run it as ads.So in this video I might be showing myself and telling people that why digital marketingis the future, why they should add digital marketing as a skill in their resume and howlearning digital marketing can also help them get different jobs.Then comes the conversion goal, so for me, the conversion goal is to get the email IDof the people.So majority of my Facebook Ads are trying to drive people to this landing page.Learn digital marketing for free.And when someone comes in, like enters their name in the email address, that is the conversionobjective for me.I hope it was clear.So let’s run a traffic campaign here.And we won’t be doing this split test, we won’t be doing campaign budget optimization…so leave- leave this like that.So crate new ad set.So here we have created the goal of our ad strategy, the campaign is “Test FDMC”and we will be driving traffic to a particular article, here comes the ad set.Let’s say I am targeting college students who are in engineering and in the age of 18– 22, okay.So I’ll write “FDMC College Engineering 18 – 22…” and let’s say we are onlytargeting Jaipur, Jaipur.Okay.And let’s say we are creating “FDMC Image Ad”.Okay, click “save to drafts”.So this will create a campaign, an ad set and one single ad for you.You can navigate through them easily using this.You can go directly to the ad set, or directly to the ad and see all the options here.So let’s go to the campaign level, let’s first go to the campaign level… we alreadyhave selected the traffic… budget… buying time is “auction”.And campaign spending limit, you can set a limit here as well That I want to spend let’ssay 5,000 rupees as my limit here.You can able this option as well if you want to distribute your budget according to variousad sets.But I’ll keep this off as of now.Everything is automatically saved, so you don’t have to click any “save” or “savechanges” anywhere.It is just automatically saved.So let’s go to the ad set level.So Facebook will also give you this blue bar just to guide you, if you are just using itfor the first time.So here for the ad set level we have selected “FMDC (free digital marketing course) collegestudent who are into engineering and in the age bracket of 18 – 22 and living in Delhi,NCR”.Since our objective was traffic, so we have selected here “website”.That we will be driving people to a particular website.You can also drive them to an app or messenger.Messenger is a more advanced concept, I won’t be covering it in this particular video.But if you guys are interested in that, I will create a video and upload it on YouTube.Now these are all options that Facebook gave just to make your job easier.But I personally don’t use them, like “create a dynamic content”.I like to create the content myself because I want them exactly like the way that I want.So I often leave that…Budget and schedule.So this is important, here you’ll be mentioning exactly how much money you want to spend onthis particular ad set.You have to understand that these are limited on varying on campaign level and then there’sthis limit relying on the ad set level.So these are two different limits.On campaign level we selected the limit to 5,000 rupees, but here on the ad set level-let’s say we are creating 10 different ad sets.And each ad set gets around 500 rupees.Or you can increase the ad set, let’s say for this particular ad set, I increase thevalue to 1,000 and for the other ad set I can keep it to 500.So it’s your choice.So let’s say keep the budget here as 1,000 rupees.And I want the start day as 26, as soon as possible… and don’t schedule the end date.Run as “ongoing”…I don’t want to end this campaign.I want it to keep running so I leave this- or you can even select “end the campaign”on a period date.I don’t want it so I keep it this way.Now here it gives you the option of selecting the audience, word is custom audience… solet’s keep… now you have this option of “custom audience” we will be talking aboutit later on the video.Here comes the audience section where we’ll be selecting everything.Like we created the “FDMC College Engineering 18 – 22 Delhi NCR”.So here we can set the targeting here.But you might be wondering why am I targeting college students who are doing engineeringand are in this age bracket of 18 – 22.Let’s say you start a startup and you don’t know exactly who your target customer is.See I’ve already done my research.I know that majority of college students are looking for the digital marketing training.Let’s say in your business or in your startup, you clearly don’t know your customer after…so for that, Facebook again makes your life easier, so they gave this option of… audiences,so click here.Here as well Facebook makes your job easier, they give this option of audience insights.So go to “ads manager” here and click on “audience insights”.Click it here “everyone on Facebook”.Now this is awesome.This will make your job so much easier, because you can easily know who your target audienceis, what’s the age bracket, what do they do, are they employed, are they single, arethey mothers, are they male or female?It will give you a very good idea to understand who your customer is and then making the adset will be much more easier and also- so it will help in your creation.So let’s- I don’t want people from the United States…I want to check for India…Okay, I want the age bracket to be 18 to- let’s skip it.I want to check for all the gender… my interest will be “digital marketing”.Because I’ve created a course for digital marketing.So now look what data Facebook is giving me.So people who have an interest in digital marketing out of all the people who are activeon Facebook, which are I think in billions… so 7 million to 8 million are active peoplewho are in the digital marketing space who have an interest in digital marketing.And see the amount of amazing insights I’ve got here.That 85% of those people are men.So like in my ad set level, instead of showing my ads to both the genders, I can keep myad set more targeted towards men.Because now I know that majority of my audience are men.So men are more likely to converse into a digital marketing course than compared toa female.Otherwise I would have wasted- or maybe the acquisition cost for a women is much highercompared to a male.So this insight will really help me in drafting my ad set and also my creator.Now can you relate why I kept my ad set as college students, who are in the age bracketof 16 – 22.Because I knew that in engineering college, majority of the students are male, and secondlyI kept the age bracket at 18 – 22 because I knew that majority of the people who areinterested in digital marketing are in that age bracket.This is why audience insight plays a major role in drafting your Facebook Ad campaign.You get so much more data like majority of the people of this 7 million to 8 millionmonthly active people, 72% are single.And only 21% people are married.And this is why I am targeting college students.76% of all these people are still in college.So these are the insights of likely industries where people work based on the self-reporteddata.We have already checked the demographics, let’s go for “page likes”.So this will show you the other pages that people are interested in… so this is definitelynot the exact data, but this one does not sound relevant because “Tata Crucible”or how this went…I’m not sure how this is related to digital marketing.But then again… as for location, let’s see what kind of data we can get in “location”.Okay, so let’s sort it through the selected audience.I’ve sorted it through the percentages and you can see that 7% of these people are livingin Dehli.So Dehli will be the hear market for me, because I know that majority of the Delhi people areinterested in digital marketing.So you can see a trend here that Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune… so you can see that allthese cities have percentages for digital marketing.So in my ad set level, where I’ll be setting my targeting, I’ll try to select the tierone cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.Instead of showing my ad all across India.You don’t want to spend extra money on people who are not going to buy or people who arenot going to complete your campaign goal.My goal is to get people to my landing page, and get their email IDs.So I wouldn’t want to post my ad on a tier two city, because I already have the datathat majority of the people who are interested in digital marketing live in the tier onecities of Dehli, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc.So this is another important data that I got from audience insight.Now let’s go to “activity” and see what kind of data we get here.So this shows the data on how likely are they to click on the ads, how likely are they tolike the posts, or how likely are they to comment.So this gives us some semblance of how other people interact with the Facebook post.So this is another important insight.Majority of the people who are interested in digital marketing are using mobile insteadof a desktop.And also around 85% of these people are using Android.So this insight tells me that my landing page should be mobile optimized and highly mobileoptimized, because majority of the audience are using mobile.And secondly in my ad set level as well, I don’t have to select both desktop and mobile,because from this data alone I know that I only need to target the mobile audience andnot the desktop audience.Yes, I can target the desktop audience as well, but I want my initial campaign to behighly targeted.That’s why I’ll keep it to mobile.So after getting these insights, let’s go to our ad set level and finalize all the settingsthere.So here again we are at the ad set level- so to reach here all you have to do is goto campaigns > Test FDMC and click on, this is the ad set level now, FDMC College Engineeringages 18 – 22 Delhi NCR, click here on “edit” and this will open up.So on the right hand side as well, Facebook will give you an estimation of how many peopleyou can reach and how people are most likely to click on the links.So here we have selected India and let’s keep the age bracket from 18 – 22.Gender, right now I am targeting all – men and women.But in our data we knew that mean are more likely to opt for digital marketing.Because I wanted to test the market and I also wanted to check how much money I needin converting a male versus female audience.So I’ll keep it to “all” as of now.And I can also change it from India, because with India we’ll be covering the tier 2and tier 3 cities as well.So I can remove that and I can mention “Delhi, India”.And since I am targeting Delhi, NCR, we can also include “Gurgaon”… we can alsoinclude “Noida” and we can also include the other parts as well, but right now we’llkeep it here.So you can see that the potential reach is 6.9 million people.And your ad might be shown to approximately 11,000 – 59,000 people.And it might generate 200 – 300 clicks.But these are estimates, these are not the exact data.But these are more like the ballpark figure.So I’ve selected my location, I have selected my age bracket, I’ve also selected my gender,languages I’ll keep it like that.Now let’s select the detailed targeting.“Include people who match at least one of the following”.So I am targeting people who have shown interest in digital marketing.So I’ll write, “digital marketing” here.So interest, you can see on interest is “digital marketing”.So people who might have liked a page regarding digital marketing or anything like that.People who are showing some kind of interest on digital marketing will be covered in this.Now digital marketing is also synonymous with “online marketing”.So I’ll also add online marketing here.Okay we’ll add online advertising here, but this is not directly related so… let’skeep it just digital marketing here.So you can see that the audience got narrower.Earlier it was 1.6 million I guess, now it’s 420,000 just because we’ve added an interesthere as well.Earlier it was just the location and the age bracket and the gender.Now we have targeted people who have shown an interest in digital marketing.Because these people are more likely to click on my ad.You can add more interest as well.This is more like an “or statement” like either this, or that.I can also add the skill here as affiliate marketing… now this is the or statement.So this is, like either people who are interested in this or this.Not an “and”.Right.You can also exclude people if you want.If you don’t want people who are interested in let’s say “search engine optimization”.So this way, you’ll be targeting people who have an interest on affiliate marketing,or digital marketing, but have not shown any interest in search engine optimization.So we’ll remove this because we want to create an ad set who have show an interestin digital marketing.We won’t be selecting a connection on the connection part, just leave it like that.And go to “placement”.Now there are two options, either you go to “automatic placements”, Facebook wantsyou to go to automatic placements.This will help you show your ads to the maximum people, what this’ll do is, you have a particularbudget for your ad set, which we kept it around 1,000 rupees, now Facebook what will do is-it will now divide the budget in multiple “buckets” and show your ad on all multipleplatforms that Facebook has.Like if you go to “edit placement” here.See your ad can go to multiple places here, like feeds- the Facebook feeds, that is theprimary- the most important real estate.Then it can be shown as instant article, it can be shown on the right column, in the marketplaceand also since Instagram was purchased by Facebook, so you can also run Instagram Adsdirectly from Facebook here.I want to run my ads on Instagram as well.So on the feeds and on the stories of Instagram.Similarly there are various places as well like the Messenger Ads, the Audience network.So Facebook gives you a lot of options in terms of the ad placement.So either you can edit the placement, if you don’t want to show your ad on Instagram.Let’s say… so you can just uncheck it here.And the ad won’t be shown to Instagram.But this will only come on the “edit placement”.If you want Facebook to decide, which the ad should be shown on all platforms, go tothe automatic placement.This again depends on your ad strategy, what you are looking for, what kind of audienceyou want and kind of content you are creating.My recommendation is to test everything.So initially I go to the automatic placement because I want to see, I want to get the dataitself.Like how the ad is performing on various different channels.And once I have some data, then I can finalize.“Okay, so these are the channels that are best performing.”So I can, increase the bucket size there.So I’ll be going for the automatic placement.And right now I have created a traffic campaign, so I will be going for the link clicks.I want to people to click on the link and go to my landing page, which is this.So a good strategy is to add bit cap as well.If you don’t want the per click cost to be about 20 rupees, so you can like, add ithere, so you don’t want any audience where the link click might cost you more than 20rupees.I don’t want it because I am looking for the data first, I want to know exactly howthe funnel is behaving.So right now, I’m not adding a bit cap.These are things are more advance, so I’ll leave it right now.And also you don’t have to worry about that.Keep it just the way it is.So on the right side you can see that we’re targeting approximately 4 lakh 20,000 people.Who are living in Delhi, NCR region, who are in the age bracket of 18 – 22, who are inthe gender all, and now we have to select the college and the engineering part.So the popular engineering college in Dehli, NCR.I am from NSIT, so let’s add…Netajil Subhash Engineering College.Add Indian Institute of Technology, INT Delhi… and similarly you can add, more colleges aswell.So you have to understand this is the “or logic”.So we re targeting students who are either in these two colleges or have an interestin digital marketing.Now I have added this interest here because I know that people who have shown interestin digital marketing are highly likely to join my free digital marketing course.But this might be an audience where people have not shown an interest in digital marketing,because they are currently in the college.So this are the core audience.People who are unaware of your brand, people who have no idea what digital marketing is.So I want to show my ad to these people as well.So you have to understand the “or logic” behind this ad.So these are the various ways you can create an ad set for your Facebook Ad campaign.Now let’s go to the ad level.FDMC, Image Ad.So here you’ll be creating final ad.And before hitting the “publish” button.So I’ve already connected my “learn digital marketing” page here.This is my page here.You can also create an Instagram account, like I have my Instagram account here.Now either you can use an existing post, that you created previously or you can create anew ad.There are many variations, you can create an ad with an image, or a video.You can also create a carousel ad, where you can see multiple images, where you can scrollthrough them.You can also create a collection.We are creating an image ad here.So there are various recommendations that you have to follow.The image ad size, the recommended image ratio, you can do that, create an image.For the Facebook image ad creation, you can use Canva.I use it in creating my images.Be it my video thumbnails, be it my Facebook ad images, I create everything here in Canvaitself.It’s a free software.So you can use the same.When you go to “home”.Click here “browse all”.And search for “facebook ads”.So here you can see Facebook ads, click here and you can create an ad for yourself.So click here, and you can create a Facebook image for your ad.And you can use the image in the Facebook backend.So coming back to here, you can upload an image here.Add the link, add the text that goes along with the image.Add your website URL.And a display link, the headline and the link description as well.And also you can change the call to action from “learn more” to various others “getoffer” “get course”, etc.And on the right hand side you’ll keep a preview look of your ad.Now we have already created an ad for this.Let me show you our examples.So let’s go for the conversion campaign that we’ve created for our digital marketingcourse.Let’s go to college, engineering and let’s check the ads.You can see here my ad.So let’s look at the ad level here.I’ve connected my page and my Instagram account.I’m running an ad with an image or a video, so this is the one I’ve selected.I’ve already uploaded my image, the same image was created using Canva.So I’m driving people to my website, you can see here, website.And for the text, I have this text… “stop, stop, stop… why to pay thousands, when youcan learn digital marketing for free.It’s time to become a job-ready digital marketer in just a few days”.Some of the benefits….The copy of your add is extremely important because see whenever someone is going throughtheir Facebook feed, the first thing that will make them stop is your image.How amazing your image is, how click-worthy your image is.And after their eyes will stop, they’ll start reading this.So make sure you have a text, where you’re showing the benefits, the value you are offering,so that people will click on the sign up, or the call to action and do the desired action.Like for me, it’s to drive people to my landing page.So I have written the best benefits of this course, like 20+ free comprehensive videos,fee access, free bonuses, free worksheets, and daily live sessions for doubt solving.So these are the primary benefits that You can also scroll through here, like… checking the ads on various different placements.So this is how you upload the image for the Facebook Ads.Once again I’ll mention that you can create the image on Canva, you have to write someclick-worthy text here, check the main benefits and then click on the call to action.And also we are checking the images here, so this is not the only image that we areusing.We have created multiple variants of this image.Like the same text, the same call to action.But a different image.Similarly another image.So we have created 6 other variants of this image.Because we will be A/B testing everything.So we’ll be checking which image is getting us the best conversion rate.And also the cheapest conversion.Because again your goal is to spend the least money, so we’ll be checking which imageis getting us the most conversion at the cheapest price.So you can do this as well.So this is how you’ll be creating your first Facebook Ad.After completing everything, all you have to do is click on publish.And within few hours your Facebook Ad will be live, if everything is set up perfectly.So guys, this was it on how to create your first campaign, your first ad set, and yourfirst Facebook Ads and make it live.And now there are many different options, as well like adding a Facebook Pixel, creatingmultiple audiences like custom audiences.So I’ll just be giving you an overview about that, but not going into detail.So let’s go to the audience segment here, so audience sis the- Facebook gives you theoption of creating a custom audience and also a localized audience.Let me take my own example here.I want to create an audience, of all the people who visit this landing page, but do not entertheir email ID.Let’s say out of a hundred people, 30 people entered their email ID.And 70 people don’t.So if I want to create a segment of this 70 people, I can create a custom audience.So what I’ll do is, I’ll create a custom audience here, website traffic.So here you can see that Angkur Aggarwal’s Pixel, so Facebook will give you a code, sojust like Google Analytics code, Facebook will also give you a code, I’ve alreadyadded that code on my website.So the code is already added to this website on the header section.So Facebook is able to track their pixel.You can see a green dot here, this is because Facebook knows that the pixel is already onmy website.So I can click on all website visitors, or people who have visited specific webpages,I can click here, and select the URL of this page.The URL contains this, and for the refined by, excluding people who have visited thespecific web page then I will add the link of the page here where people go to, oncethey opt to my landing page.So this will create an audience of all the people, who come on the landing page but donot enter their email ID.So this is a custom audience.Now what are the use of this custom audience.With the help of this custom audience, the first use, that again you can show a differentad for these people.Maybe after showing a different kind of ad, or maybe creating video for these people,and telling them exactly why they should be learning digital marketing.Then you can again bring these 70 people back and maybe few of them will again, opt in.Or the second thing that you can do is, create a look-alike audience.Now here you can see there’s another option of lookalike audience.Now what is lookalike audience?Now Facebook’s power is data.They have a huge amount of data.So from your custom audience, you can create lookalike audience, it’s more like Facebookwill find similar kind of people for you, on the basis of the custom audience.So let’s say I created a custom audience of people who have entered their email IDon my landing page.Because these people have shown an interest in my digital marketing course.And let’s say I want more people who are like this.So what I’ll do instead, I’ll create a lookalike audience.And I’ll choose a source here.I can choose the source as custom audience, and I can select the audience that I want.So here I can choose any of the custom audience like, people who have opted in to FDMC, peoplewho have opted in location, I’ll set it to India.I want more people in India.And I’ll create a lookalike audience of 1 person.Now 1% is highly targeted, 2% will again decrease the targeting and when you go to 10%, thenyou will be able to reach more people, but then again they won’t be more targeted.In the end you want targeted people.So I usually keep the lookalike audience to 1%.So by creating this lookalike audience, what am I doing?I am creating- what this lookalike audience will do is, Facebook will try to find allthe people based on the custom audience that we are giving it.The custom audience is, people who have opted in our landing page.So Facebook will use AI or use all the data they have and try to find all the similarpeople for me.Now this might be confusing for some of you, so if you still have question ask it in thecomment section or in the Facebook group.I’ll explain more in detail.But this is the power of lookalike audience.This helps in really expanding your audience, reaching more people and really maximizingthe potential of your Facebook Ads campaign.I personally use lookalike audience a lot.Custom audience and lookalike audience are 2 amazing features of Facebook.What I’ll do is, I won’t be able to cover everything about Facebook Ads in this particularlesson.What I’ll do is that I’ll create a more advanced post as well.Where I’ll be covering custom audience, lookalike audience and the pixel and all indetail as well.So this was it about Facebook Ads, I’ve already covered the majority of things.The primary important things.The audience insight will be used for finding your audience avatar.And then you can create your ads, and then you can create the custom audience here andthe lookalike audience here.Here you’ll get the pixel of your Facebook, which will be added to you header section.Then again, keep checking keep searching the audience, keep looking for it.This is how I have learned.This is how you will learn.You must be having question, I’m sure.Ask it in the Facebook group.Be part of our Facebook live sessions because there I answer all the questions and alsoshare a lot of tips and strategies.So this was it about Facebook Ads.I hope you understood it, I hope I was able to make it clear for you guys and.Hey guys, I hope you have understood the basics of Facebook Ads.Now I have a task for go out there and run your first Facebook Ads campaign.And share your results on our Facebook group.


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