Instagram marketing step-by-step : Get 10,000 followers in 30 days
Hey guys, do you want to know what the top Instagram influencers are doing to grow their follow-up base? I’ll be sharing all these strategies in this post so make sure you’ll be reading until the end.Hey guys.And today we are covering one of my favorite topics, Instagram marketing.In this comprehensive step by step training, I’ll be covering everything about Instagram right from the start until the end.Be it creating your profile like a pro, finding the right hash tags and creating a content strategy that will drive 10x more followers for you.I’ll also go through all the growth hacks and strategies that I personally use, and also I use them for my clients that will drive an insane amount of followers for your account.I’ll also be going through all the software and tools that are already available in the market which will make the whole process much more simpler and much more easier.We won’t be covering the strategy that is used to work in 2018, but rather all the strategies are 2019 proof.So they’ll be working by the end of 2019 or even the year 2020.This training is in the form of case studies so I won’t be giving you just the theory,but also showing you life case studies, life truth, or various accounts that were actually implementing these tactics.And in the end I’ll also be sharing all the secrets about how to make money for Instagram.Even with an account with the following of 100,000 – 300,000 followers, they are making multiple lakhs per month just through influencer marketing.So I’ll be sharing my strategies and also some case studies of various accounts thatare doing it and how you can replicate the same process for yourself.And as I told you in the earlier videos as well, that you won’t be learning just formthe theory, so make sure you implement all the steps on your Instagram account, and seethe results for yourself.We have a huge Facebook group, where you can ask questions and also see other people, howthey are performing on their Instagram account.So let’s get started in this post.So what is Instagram, I don’t think I even need to explain this, Instagram is the new trend in 2019 or rather even in 2018, I even did a poll in a popular Facebook group andmy question was related to how many people were actually opening Facebook more comparedto Instagram.And around 70% people polled for Instagram.That they are using Instagram much more often compared to Facebook.So this just shows the amount of opportunity that lies in Instagram in 2019 and even incoming years.So for people who don’t know what Instagram is, Instagram is a photo sharing mobile app,it used to be a photo sharing app but you can even add the videos nowadays.It was launched in 2010 and then it was acquired by Facebook.So you can see the growth trajectory of Instagram by yourself.How much it has grown from 2015 to 2019.And it is expected to rise at an exponential rate in 2020 as well.Now I’ll be sharing some stats with you just to show you how popular Instagram is.So almost 800 million plus Instagram accounts are active every month.That’s a huge number.And the best part is out of those 800, 500 million plus Instagram accounts are activeevery day.So 500 million plus uses Instagram on a daily basis.And if you’re looking for business opportunity or marketing your business in Instagram, youcan see the stats here that 80% of the accounts follow a business on Instagram.So it’s not just for the personal use that people follow the businesses, rather it’sa great branding strategy to acquire customers to Instagram as well.And now a days the new feature of Instagram stories is killing it.It has already killed Snapchat, it is about- so many people are using more and more Instagram stories on a daily basis.So let’s check Instagram on Similar and see how it performs.Instead of opening the mobile app, I’ll be opening the website of Instagram here.And let’s see the similar stats of Instagram.That’s a huge number.3.2 billion people are using Instagram on a monthly basis.And look at the time on site.Almost 6 minutes and 28 seconds.So the audience retention is also very good with Instagram.So let’s see detail stats of Instagram.Look at the global rank of 5.It’s the 5th most popular website on the internet.So the stats speak for themselves, Instagram is a hugely popular network and it’s somethingthat you should not let go in 2019 and in coming years.So let’s focus on why you should even try Instagram marketing.So you’re objective can be anything, if you’re an individual you might be focusedon getting more followers, or creating a following, or becoming an influencer.But if you are a business and you are looking for more customers, so Instagram is an amazingbranding opportunity and as well as you can easily acquire customers from Instagram aswell.The best part about Instagram is the high engagement with visual content.One of the primary reasons why people are moving away from Facebook and more towardsInstagram is because of the visual content.You don’t have to read the text, rather you can just look at the images and the videos.You’ll even see this trend on Facebook, you’ll see that Facebook is pushing moretowards the video content.Even if you’re on the video ads, you’ll see that it cost is much less than a bannerad.All of this is because Facebook is giving a big push to the video content on Facebook.You’ll see the image on the right here that Instagram’s engagement with brands is 10xhigher than Facebook.And because people love visual content, they tend to stay more on Instagram.Even for me and my clients, I am pushing hard on Instagram ads.I’ve seen great arrow end on my ads spent, the targeting options are great, you can easilysegment your audience.In all it’s a market of friendly platform.If you are not using Instagram in 2019, either to gain a following, or driving customersfor your business, then you are losing out on a big chunk of revenue.You’ll see so many Instagram influencers promoting various products, not just influencerseven the popular actors and actresses, associating themselves with a brand and getting paid ahuge amount just for promoting the brand.So let’s start with the first step of setting up your profile.Either you’re opening a new account or you’re just optimizing your current account, followall the steps that I’ll be telling you in the next few minutes and your account willbe perfectly optimized for Instagram.So let’s start first with the username.Choosing the first Instagram username.So let’s see some case studies so you can understand this point.Whenever you are choosing a username, you have to think of your niche first.So let’s say you want to create an account about dogs, so if your username has the mainkeyword like “dog”.Then it will be much more beneficial for you.Just like in our SEO video you must have seen that keywords play an important part in Googlesearch engine rankings.Similarly if you want more followers, if you want to be found by a new audience, then youhave to optimize your profile for keywords, yes hash tags also play an important part,but keywords are also equally important.You have to first define a list of keywords that are related to your niche.In all, just few strategies will be changed but primarily the whole concept of optimizingyour profile is somehow similar to search engine optimization.So let’s take the example here of- I’ve taken two examples of “menfashion” and“guitarcenter”.So here you’ll see that this profile is all about fashion images, fashion videos andlook at the beautiful username they have: “menfashion”.Directly defining their audience, “menfashion”.This channel is all about fashion for men.So for them the two most important keywords are “fashion” and “men”.And by incorporating these two main keywords in their username, people can easily findthem and hence they have a huge following of 581k followers.I agree that keyword is not the only reason that they were able to grow so much, but yesit played a major role.Similarly here another example of “guitarcenter”.This Instagram account is all about guitars.So why not have a username related to guitar?And also look at how clean the username is.There’s no underscore, there’s no numeric number.Clean “guitarcenter”.Clean forward username.I know in 2019 it will be extremely difficult to find clean usernames, but yes you can stilltry to find a good one.So if you have the keyword in a username it will benefit your profile.So now let’s talk about optimizing the Instagram bio.You have to understand that Instagram only gives one particular place where you can promotea link.And that is your bio.And that through just one single link.Not in your post, not in your currents.You cannot promote any links in Instagram apart from your bio.So that becomes the most prime real state for any marketer.Because you want to drive customers, prospective customers, from Instagram to your landingpage or any other place where you want them or where you can monetize.So there’s a particular style or a template that you should use to create your Instagrambio that has been giving the best results.So I have again a few examples here, so let’s start with “menfashion” again.You can see that the bio channel first indicates what this channel is all about.A guide to men’s fashion, luxury, lifestyle so with just few keywords they were able todefine their Instagram page. so let’s say you have a good following and a company wantsto contact you.So they can easily find your email address and contact you for collaboration.So always have a point of contact here, as well on Instagram bio.And the most important part, your link.Here they have a link to a particular website.Let’s open the website.And see how cleverly they have also mentioned the word “sale” here, in the URL.Because this will increase the CDR and more people will be clicking on the link just throughthe word “sale”.And you can see for yourself how they are monetizing their audience.They have a huge following, their channel is good, their engagement onthe pictures is good, you can see that 3 – 5,000 people are engaging with the post.And now they are driving people to this particular website.And they are selling t-shirts.Because unlike YouTube you cannot show ads on Instagram.You won’t be able to monetize through Adsense or any other way.So the only way to make money, is either by selling your own products or by affiliate marketing by selling someone else’s product or promoting a particular product by brandcollaboration.So here they have decided to go for selling their products either of a brand or they aremaybe making affiliate commission here.Let’s take the case of “organifi”.This is one of the very good companies that I’ve been following for multiple monthsnow.You can see for yourself how clear their bio is.Organic superfood blends.And the best part of their bio is they are using emojis in a very innovative way.Emojis have always increased the audience’s retention.Be it Facebook ads, or Instagram ads, whenever you are using emoji, it creates a much morepersonal touch and hence a much more engagement on either on your post or even on your Facebookads.Similarly they are using emojis in a much smarter way.Again, a very clean bio with just the keywords.“Non GMO, gluten free and plant-based”.So probably in their market or in their niche, these three must be the main constraint ofpeople, before making a purchase.So clearing all the doubts of people before they can even click the link.And hence, increasing the CDR of the link.Here they are using Bitly.Bitly is used to track the link clicks.For Instagram will not be giving you the analytics for the link clicks, so by using a Bitly linkshortened, you can shorten your main link by Bitly and track the link clicks on Bitly.I really like this particular line, “shipping worldwide” with the earth symbol.So it clearly grabs my attention and also clears one of my biggest doubts since I’min India, whether I’ll be able to buy this or not.Shipping worldwide yes, and they’ll be able to deliver it to India and I can easily thenclick the link and complete my purchase.We’ll take one more example; this is more for the personal branding space.Even if you want to become an influencer, this will help patronize one of the biggestinfluencer in the online marketing space.I love how he relates his family values to his entrepreneurship journey.You can see in the first line he mentioned, he’s a husband and father.So he creates a trust with his audience.Again he is using the main keywords, entrepreneur, bestselling author, podcaster and speaker.He has just launched his new physical product, this is why he is promoting it on this Instagrambio link.Again a very clean, simple bio, with the main keyword describing the person.Here by using the words like best-selling author, speaker… he is showing authorityand he is showing that yes, people like him.People are listening to him, he is a bestselling author and yes he must-Another profile in the online marketing space, or in the personal influencer niche.You can see Amy Porterfield.She’s another online marketing expert.So her first line is “online marketing expert”.She’s also using emojis to make her bio interesting.“Helping entrepreneurs build engaged email lists”.Her niche is all about building email lists, online courses and profitable webinars”.So that’s the line she has tried to incorporate in her bio.Helping entrepreneurs build engaged email lists, online courses and profitable webinars.So if someone visits her Instagram page, they will instantly know.Yes, Amy Porterfield is all about online marketing, and helping people build email list, creatingonline courses, and profitable webinars.And then she is making a pitch for people to click on the link.I really like the way she has used the hand emoji, to drive people to click the link.This must have also drive the increase of the CDR of the link.So this is how you can create a bio for yourself.Put the main keywords here, show authority, and drive people to click on the link.Wherever you want the people to go.So the next step is perfecting your Instagram display picture.So let’s again learn it from various case studies.We’ll take the same case studies here again, so let’s talk about this particular page,“menfashion”.They have this PNG image of more like an icon form, and also clearly mentioning men fashion.Honestly I think they could have used a different font because this one does not look much nicer.Because this one could have been better.But then again, the whole point of profile pic is to show what your page is all about.And it clearly indicates that this channel is all about men’s fashion, by representinga suit.Again the use of a very simple guitar image.So clearly indicating that yes, this channel is all about guitar.One good strategy is to also follow a color scheme in your post.So let’s say if your channel is following a particular color theme or a scheme.Then you can use the same color theme in your image as well.Just to create consistency.Let’s take the case of Organifi.So their brand is all about healthy living and eating green foods so they have this Organfijuice, which you can create green juice.So they have created this branding in the form of green color.So they have used their logo, usually majority of the brands use their logo as their profilepic, because that is consistent with their brand.So if you are an individual influencer who wants to increase their followers or who wantsto be an influencer, then always use a smiling shot.Because- like here for Pat Flynn, he’s using- he’s looking straight into the camera anda very happy smile, looking happy.So this will always create a good impact whenever you are choosing a profile pic.And even when you are choosing a profile pic, make sure it’s high quality.If you don’t have access to a DSLR, maybe you can find a friend who can take your picturea good portrait shot, with a blurred background, clearly a happy or smiling face always helps.Similarly the case of Amy Porterfield here.You’ll see that she’s an online marketing expert, an influencer in this particular niche.Again, a portrait shot, click a high quality picture with a smiling face.We’ll be talking about using the right hash tags and the best time to post in the nextfew minutes, so let’s go to the next slide.First let’s discuss about content strategy because this is an extremely important stepin your overall growth of your Instagram page.Without the right content strategy your Instagram account will instantly fail, and your marketingwill not give you positive results.And I see a one common trend among people who want to scale their Instagram is thatthey are not consistent.Consistency is an extremely important in this world.Even if you are not some kind of influencer, even if you’re a brad, consistency is whatwill make you seem memorable and also keep your brand refreshed in the mind of peopleyou want to target.So let’s say if you’re a YouTuber, if you are not uploading videos in a constantbasis then people will forget you and they’ll move to the second alternative they have.So if you want to grow on any channel, be it YouTube, be it Instagram, be it Twitter,or any other channel where you can create an audience, make sure you’re consistent.Make sure you are helpful, talk to your audience, engage with your audience, and create contentsthat your audience actually wants.And third point is extremely important it is creating high-quality images and not beinglazy in this.People still think that creating high-quality images is extremely difficult.But they don’t know about the free software out there in the internet.Which makes the whole job of creating high-quality images much more easier.So let’s say that you are an influencer, I know if you want those portrait shots orstandard shots, you’ll need someone with a good DSLR or good lens to take those portraitshots.But let’s say if you’re creating a page about guitar or dogs, or like fitness, oranything related to a particular hobby then you can easily create high-quality contentthat with a very, very fast rate.I’ll be showing you in a few minutes all the free software that you can use to createhigh quality images.And also you can use the same images uploaded by your competitors on different channelsand again use them on your channel as well.I’ll be showing you can do that as well.So creating high-quality content is not a very complicated process, if you know theright steps.So let’s see the content strategy of this particular account, “guitarcenter”.I love the engagement, they have 1.1 million followers, but their images are generating6k, 10k, this particular image is generating 16.9k likes.The reason this image garnered so many likes was because they targeted a particular emotionalangle.“RIP Jim Dunlop”, maybe he’s some kind of big name in the guitar industry and that’swhy people, praise the image by liking the image.So this is something you can implement in your content strategy as well.By creating an emotional angle.People don’t want to be sold to.People want to be happy, people want to be empathetic, so whenever you are targetinga particular emotion you’ll see you’ll get much more enagement compared to to theordinary ones.So Instagram is not about putting any image, you also have to be very strategic about it.You should know what type of content is suitable for your audience, and what type of contentwill bring an emotional response from your audience.Let’s see about this image.21.9k likes.So now they are showing a particular image, and they are mentioning one of America’slegendary tattoo artist, “@martinguitar”.Maybe some kind of popular guy, and let’s see how they are using the hand emoji to drivepeople to click on the link in the bio.So they are using this hand emoji to check out their details and learn more- click thelink in the bio.So this is how they are driving people to check their profile, and then click in thebio, and make money from that.Earlier I told you about finding the right hash tag.So they also have found few hash tags for them, like “#guitarcenter”, “#gc”,“#martin”- they must have tested all the hash tags and these hash tags must have giventhem the best response or the most like.That’s why they must have decided to use them.And also there are two strategies in using hash tags.Some people use it in the caption.Some people add it as a second comment to their image, because that also drives engagement.It’s all about testing.Honestly, in my experience of using Instagram and for my clients, I’ve seen that Instagram's all about testing.If let’s say one technique is working for me, then it might not work for you.So when we talk about content strategy, first you have to understand that you have to find images or content related to your niche of the page.Let’s take the case here of men’s fashion again.Let’s click this image here, so you can see a beautiful, beautiful car here, so definitely people will be attracted to the image.One thing that you have to understand is that if you land the ordinary images, or same content that everyone else is posting, then you won’t be able to get the engagement.The reason is very simple, if people are seeing the same kind of content, again and again,they won’t be interested in it.You have to find images or videos, which can drive attention.In 2019, the whole game is all about attention.Even in the YouTube videos of your popular YouTubers, you’ll see that, they are trying to grab your attention.They’ll pick the most important part of the video, and then try to present it in aline or they’ll click bait you with a line from the video.Just so that you’ll watch the video until the end.Because in YouTube, the most important parameter, is watch time.So they want to increase the watch time in their videos, and that is why they are trying to grab your attention.Similarly on Instagram, the most important parameter is again attention.And if you have the attention of people, you’ll drive more engagement, and if you’re driving much more engagement, then Instagram will again give you organic boost, and you'll get much more people to see your posts.Again you’ll see for the hash tags they are using the hash tags related to their particular niche which is men’s fashion, gentlemen, style, fashion, Lamborghini and cargasm. In the use of hash tags, there again two different “tagology”.Some people prefer to use many hash tags in their images and some people tend to keep it only 5 to 10 hash tags per post.Again it’s all about testing, the more you test, the more you will be able to understand what is working in your particular niche.You can also see the various competitors in your particular niche.Like in men’s fashion, I can go to various pages or various different Instagram accountswhere they have already garnered a huge amount of following and then look at their images,what kind of hashtag strategy are they using.And also I recommend you to note down all the hash tags that your competitors are using.And again test it in your post, and see which hash tags are driving the most engagement for you and then pick the ones that are working for you.Instagram is something that I cannot you a direct or word-by-word script.Or particular steps, that you “follow this” and you can get massive amount of following.Instagram is all about testing.The more you test, the more clear the picture will be for you on how to grow your Instagram account easily.So now let’s talk about the time strategy.One of the most common questions I get asked by the people, is that when and what time should they post.Again, my answer will seem repeated but then again, it’s all about testing again, even whenever I am getting a new client, I just tell my team to test the different timings,because you never know what audience are responding to, but yes, if you are living in a time zone like India, then try to post it in the morning, around 8:30AM to 09:00AM. Because that’s the time people are going to the office or they have just reached the office.So they have not started working, they wanted to enjoy a little time- they have this habitof opening Instagram and going through their feeds.So 08:30AM, 08:00AM time is good.Similarly, in the afternoon at around 01:30PM, when somewhere close to the lunch time, then again it’s a good time to post, because people have just worked for 3 – 4 hours,now they want to relax so they usually open Instagram to browse through their feeds and at that time if you post, you’ll see- or you might see a good engagement in your post.Now similarly, at around 06:30PM and around 09:30PM… similarly at around 06:30 and 09:30PM,will give you much better results but then again it’s all about testing.Maybe your audience is engaging in a much different time.So again, test, test and test.Testing is the key to success in Instagram.So now let’s talk about hash tags. I've already given you a brief, that the best way to find hash tags is going through your competitors, look at what hash tags they are using and then making a notepad file or Evernote file and copy-pasting all the hash tags that your competitors are using.And then using few of the hash tags from that particular list on your post and then track which hash tags are giving you the maximum engagement.Hash tags can be in various styles like location-specific, lifestyle-specific, brand-specific and so many other categories but if you go through all of them you’ll just get confused.So if you’re just starting out then my strategy and my recommendation is to go through all the other accounts that are already, getting good engagement all around Instagram.Look at their hash tag strategy, look at their timing strategy, look at their posting strategy,look at their content strategy and then try to drive some inferences from that.And then try to replicate that in your strategy and see which particular hash tag or which particular timing, or which particular type of content is giving you most engagement.In the end, the goal is all about engagement.Because if your posts are getting more engagements, then Instagram will boost you organically,and it will be showing your post to a much higher audience, and you’ll be able to gain much more followers.So I won’t be giving you direct strategies on planning the hash tags, I’ll keep that on you, that you’ll do your duties and search.You’ll look at your competitors, make a complete list of hash tags, and test it in your own Instagram strategies.So the biggest concern that people have, is how to grow their brand new Instagram account to at least a benchmark of 1000 followers.I see so many people doing the mistake of buying the Instagram followers from these various idiotic websites like, or any other similar websites.Trust me, that’s not worth it, you’re just wasting your money.So I have a few strategies for you that you can use to grow your Instagram followers to at least the benchmark of 1000 followers.And then you can use that one strategy to grow it to a better scale of 10,000 or 100,000 followers. So the one strategy that I personally use whenever I am building a brand new Instagram account is the “follow-on-follow”.So to implement this “follow-on-follow” technique is honestly pretty simple.This won’t work if you are targeting 10,000 or 15,000 followers, but yes to reach your thousand followers mark, all you have to do is make a list of all the competitors.Let’s take the example of this particular channel, men’s fashion.So all the fashion related channel are competitors of this particular channel.So let’s search for “fashion”.“teachingmensfashion” so this is relevant.Okay… here you can copy the URL.And add it to a particular notepad file.And the best part about Instagram is there are suggestions, to this channel.So when you click this particular arrow so you’ll see the suggested channels who arein the fashion niche or maybe in the men fashion niche.So you can go to “bluman” or this whatever this channel is, or “hudsonandmane”, and you can find for yourself whether these channels are suited for your particular audience or not. Here you can see the bio here… clean.Bio with the business email ID.And men’s hair YouTuber, so he’s probably into the men’s hair.It might again be relevant to the men’s fashion.So this particular account also you can copy to your notepad file, similarly again you can click here on the arrow button and find more channels.So this way you can create- 30-40 different channels for your main competitors.And then what you have to do is, click on their followers, and follow all these accounts.So just click here.Follow all these accounts.So I see 20-30% people do follow back the channel.So if you’re following 100 people you can easily get 20-30 followers back on your accountant you can unfollow all these people.I know this sounds like a very shitty technique, but this is what every influencer or eventhe advance influencer marketers are using to grow their channel to the initial markof 1,000.This is not a skillable technique and I won’t even recommend it for you to do in a verylong duration because Instagram will just flag your account as spamming.And your account might even get banned.So do this only until you’re getting at least 1,000 followers and then stop doingthis technique.Because I am not interested in them, I’ll just unfollow them here.And also Instagram has a limit of how many you can follow in a particular hour, I thinkit’s close to 50 or 40.So you’ll have to do this on an hourly basis, so maybe just follow 40-50 accounts per hour.Do this for a couple of days, and you’ll easily reach the thousand follower mark.But before doing this technique, I’ll still recommend you to at least add 10 to 15 differentposts in your profile.Because whenever someone will click on your profile, because if let’s say you’ll followsomeone, so they will be getting a notification so they’ll be visiting your profile here,and if you’re profile looks like this, only your profile pic, no bio, no posts, no onewill follow you back.So make sure you have a clean bio and at least 10 – 15 good looking posts, highly engagingposts, a good profile pic, and this will increase your follow-back count, to even much morethan 20 or 30, maybe even 50 people will follow you back, if you’re following a hundred.So this is what you can do to get your initial thousand followers.But don’t scale it, don’t do it after you’ve reached a hundred followers becauseyour account might get banned.The second technique to use to grow your Instagram account for 1,000 – 10,000 followers isusing “shout-for-shout” technique.Again this technique is not highly scalable.But this is something that all Instagram influencers are doing, all the popular Instagram usersare doing, and even the Instagram marketing experts are using to grow the follow-countof their clients or for themselves.So what is this technique?So let’s take the example of “menfashion”.In the bio of this particular account, you’ll see this particular text “kik: FashChat”.So kik is extremely popular in Instagram marketing space.So to do this shout-for-shout technique, you first have to install this kik applicationon your Android or IOS phone.So “kik android”… so this is the application “kik”.This is another messenger type of application.But for Instagram marketing, it’s usually popular.So just like you can create a WhatsApp group, similarly on kik you can also create groups,and you can join those groups.So there are many Instagram marketing shout out groups, where you can join them.So let’s say you want a shout out for this particular channel… what does a shout outmean?So this is a shout out.Like, here you can see this particular username.I don’t know who this is, but let’s say you want a shout out from this channel, sothey’ll create a post for their particular account and in the description or in the caption,they’ll mention your account and ask their followers to follow your account.So why would a channel do this for you, unless you are offering them money, right?So this is how the Instagram shout out works…Primarily another monetization channel for an Instagram account holder is selling shoutouts.So let’s say, another fashion related account want a shout out from this particular channel,so what they can do this they can either email their request here “gmail id....”…that yeah, what is the price for a shout out from their channel?Or they can join their kik channel.So if they want to buy a shout out, they’ll just email them, decide on a particular payment,transfer the money and buy the shout out.Second is kik, they can join this kik and on kik there are multiple communities, multiplegroups, so what they do is, they help each other out.So there are various shout-for-shout communities.So let’s say you have 2,000 followers on your account.So you can join a particular kik community, which includes all the members within therange of 1,000 or 5,000.So what they do is, let’s say the group has 20 members, and all of them have around1,000 to 5,000 followers, and all of them are let’s say in the fashion niche.So what they’ll do is, they’ll decide on a particular time and date.And all the 19 accounts will give a shout out to a one particular account.This will increase the engagement of that one particular account, a lot of people willstart following that account, and the overall following account will increase.Similarly, what to do is that a second account is chosen from all those 20 accounts, andthe same process is repeated for the second account.So this process helps everyone, all members of the kik group.All of them gain the benefit of getting more followers.But you’ll have to make sure that no one will accept you in the group if you just have1,000 followers and you are expecting to be included in a group of let’s say memberswho have 50,000+ followers.You will be rejected.So try to find those who are in your follower range, and then join them, and help each otherout.It’s an extremely easy way to grow your Instagram following.So whenever we are talking about shout-for-shout, either you can join kik groups to help eachother out.You can email the similar niche-related Instagram accounts or either pay for the shout out orask them for a shout-for-shout.So they will give you a shot-out and similarly you will give them a shout-out.But one thing you must keep in mind is that if you’re emailing someone who has a follower account of 10,000 and you only have 1,000 no one will respond to you.So make sure you email or send kik message to only those accounts which are in the similar follower account as you have.Now the next important strategy is A/B testing is the key, I’ve already mentioned how testing is important in growing your Instagram followers.Be it your bios, be it your photos, be it your posting time, be it your hashtag strategy,everything needs to be tested.Especially when you are growing a new Instagram account, when you don’t have huge following you have to test everything, which one is working for you and if let’s say you finda particular strategy that is giving you good results, make sure you double down on it.Apart from that share your Instagram success story, share with us in our Facebook group,which tactic work for you, and we’ll see you in the next post.
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